fortnite tips

Tips & Tricks for Winning Fortnite Duos and Squads

Winning a Fortnite match is tough. You’re up against 99 other players in solo mode or fighting multiple teams in Duos or Squads. Success in Fortnite comes down to quick reflexes, smart planning, and a deep understanding of the map and weapons.

I’ve been playing Fortnite for a while now, and I want to share some strategies on how to win, whether you’re playing Solo, Duos, Trios, Squads, or Zero Build.


Before starting a match, head to the Audio settings in Fortnite and look for the Visualize Sound Effects option.

Turning this on gives you visual cues for sounds like enemy footsteps and chest locations.

It’s a big advantage because you’ll always know where nearby enemies are.

It also makes finding chests easier, which is key to getting a strong set of gear for the match.

Learn from Pros

fortnite pros

Improving in Fortnite often comes down to playing with or observing seasoned players.

The insights gained from their playstyles, including specific tactics, weapon choices, and communication, can be incredibly valuable.

If you don’t have the chance to play alongside experts, watching popular YouTubers or streamers is a great alternative.

While learning from your own gameplay is important, picking up strategies from others can significantly boost your skills.

Start With A Suitable Landing Spot

Your landing spot can make or break your game. For beginners, choosing a busy landing area often means getting knocked out early.

Similarly, picking a place with scarce loot means you’ll be ill-equipped for the early game.

I’ve gathered a list of the best landing spots in Fortnite to give you a leg up:

  1. Mount Olympus
  2. The Underworld
  3. Reckless Railways
  4. Classy Courts
  5. Snooty Steppes
  6. Lavish Lair
  7. The Train

There’s a compass at the top of the screen that shows where enemy gunfire is coming from, marked by a red dot.

I always make sure to combine this with the Visualize Sound Effects feature to get a good read on my opponents’ locations

Only Shoot When You’re Sure to Win

fortnite shooting

It’s tempting to shoot at every enemy you spot, but seeing an opponent doesn’t always mean you’ll get the elimination.

They might be near cover or good at evading shots.

So, I only recommend shooting when you’re completely sure you can take them down.

Shooting too early can alert your enemies, allowing them to get ready for a fight.

The smarter move is to track your opponent until you have a clear shot, ensuring they have minimal cover, before making your move.

Build a Versatile Arsenal

In Fortnite, battles can occur at any distance, whether it’s close, mid-range, or long-range.

To prepare for all types of encounters, it’s crucial to have a diverse set of weapons.

Shotguns or pistols are great for close combat, SMGs and assault rifles dominate mid-range fights, and for long-distance engagements, snipers or DMRs are your best bet.

A versatile loadout ensures you’re ready for any scenario. Also, entering every fight with full health and shields is key to staying competitive.

Stay Alert to the Storm’s Movement

fortnite storm

Make sure you don’t lose focus during the game. It’s easy to get caught up in the action and forget about the storm, which can lead to a quick exit if it catches you off guard.

I always keep an eye on the timer under the minimap to know when the storm will start moving.

Also, I regularly check the map to see where the next safe zone is, ensuring I don’t get trapped outside.

Practice Your Building Skills

Building is crucial in Fortnite’s Battle Royale, but it’s also pretty complex for newcomers.

Instead of trying to figure it out during a competitive match, I suggest using Creative Mode to practice building efficiently.

Work on getting quicker at throwing up walls around yourself.

This skill is invaluable for moments when you’re caught off-guard by enemy fire in the open.

How To Win Solos?

To keep myself in the game longer while playing Solo, here’s what I focus on:

  • Understanding my own strengths and weaknesses
  • Taking my time and not being scared to hide if needed
  • Always expect an enemy at every Point of Interest (POI) I visit
  • Keeping an eye on the player count
  • Making the most of vehicles
  • Choosing which fights are worth engaging in

Duos, Squads And Finally, Zero Build?


When I’m playing with friends, here’s what we focus on to stay ahead:

  • Keeping communication clear and constant
  • Staying close to each other
  • Using concise, clear callouts like “on me” to indicate an enemy nearby
  • Watching each other’s backs at all times
  • Sharing resources like ammo and health items as needed
  • Sticking around as support, even if I’m taken out of the game

Winning in Fortnite’s Zero Build mode requires a shift in strategy since you can’t rely on building for protection.

Instead, your shooting skills need to be on point because, like you, your enemies can’t just build cover out of nowhere.

This levels the playing field in a way, making the game simpler since you don’t have to master building techniques.

You end up focusing less on gathering materials and more on moving strategically to stay alive longer.

Here’s how I stay ahead in Zero Build:

  • Always know where the nearest cover is.
  • Prioritize having accurate aim since you can’t hide behind hastily built walls.
  • Opt for quick-healing items to minimize vulnerability.
  • With limited cover available, minimize time spent in the open.

Being caught without cover is a major risk, so I always plan my movements with an escape route in mind.

Carrying something like the Wings of Icarus can be a game-changer, offering a quick way to dodge danger.