sitout fortnite

How to Sit Out in Fortnite: A Quick and Clear Guide

As avid Fortnite players know, spending countless hours playing the game can be both mentally and physically draining. It’s essential for gamers to recognize the value of taking a break and knowing when they’ve reached their limits. Sitting out in Fortnite provides an excellent opportunity to step away from the screen, stretch, and recuperate before jumping back into the action.

Taking short breaks during extended Fortnite sessions not only allows players to recharge, but it can also help improve in-game performance. These breaks apply to all variations of the game, including LEGO Fortnite. So, taking advantage of the sit out feature in Fortnite is a practical way to maintain your focus and well-being while enjoying your gaming experience.

How to Enable Sitting Out in Fortnite Without Leaving Your Party

fortnite sitout

Activating Sitting Out Option After Your Squad is Eliminated in Fortnite

To sit out in Fortnite without leaving your party, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Fortnite menu.
  2. Select your Fortnite profile icon.
  3. Locate the “Participation” option, which is the third option from the top.
  4. Switch your participation status from “Playing” to “Sitting Out.”

Upon completing these steps, the status above your character will change to “sitting out.” This will automatically exclude you from queues in the upcoming games until you revert back to the “playing” status.

Additionally, you can activate the Sitting Out option right after your entire squad is eliminated in the current match, rather than waiting to return to the lobby.

Why Sit out in a Fortnite Party?

Fortnite allows players to take a break without leaving their party through the “sit out” feature. Instead of going through the process of leaving and rejoining a party, players can simply sit out – letting their squad know that they won’t be in the next match but will return as soon as they’re available.